Upcoming Cards Leak Out Behind the Scenes of Latest Update

Google recently updated it’s Google Search app to version 2.6 with a few new features like listening to live TV, third-party music support and voice action tips. However, we all know that Google always includes a few extra things inside their updates, probably to test that nothing breaks, and to have everything in place for when they turn on the switch server side.

That means that when Google turns on new features for Google Now, everyone is already updated and there’s no need to wait for people to update the app for them to get access to the new features. Version 2.6 of Search is no different and Android Police have a teardown of the APK as always and there are some interesting things under the hood.

Here are the new upcoming cards found hidden inside the code:

Car Rentals

The code for this card includes some GMail mentions so it probably means that Google Now will look through your GMail inbox to know when you have rented a car to let you know pickup and drop-off times as well as how to get there and manage the reservation.

Event Tickets

This card appears to be designed to help you get in the event, more than how to get there (that’s already handled by the calendar/map integration).

It will show a barcode ready to be scanned so you can get in the event without looking for an e-mail. Of course, there’s more data than that, like showtime, image, time to leave and information about your reservation (table or seat number).

Sporting Event Tickets And Stats

This is the same for the event ticket card, but dedicated to sports, the only difference is that the header of the card shows the logos and names of the teams with a small statistic about each team below it.


Wallet Loyalty Cards

Besides the Offer cards mentioned in the changelog for the update, there’s some code for Wallet Loyalty Cards.

We’re not sure what this card does, but my guess is that it will know when you’re inside/near a shop and show you the card so you don’t forget to use it.

That’s all for now, hopefully Google will be rolling out this next wave of cards soon, and it looks like they’re finally realizing the potential of these thousands of cards.