Did the Motorola Droid Razr Ultra Just Leak Out? Or Is this Another Prototype?

Today, another leak from Motorola hit the interwebs. This time it was the back of a device, which we are believing is one of Motorola’s new Droid Razr Ultra devices that should be hitting Verizon sometime this summer. As you can see from the picture, it has the same kevlar back and has printing that says “Elite Partners, New Orleans 2013” then there’s a Ferrari logo below. There was a published report on Thursday, that indicates that the custom print job on the back could be releated to the CCR/Ferrari French Quarter Classic. Which is a race that takes place at the NOLA Motorsport Park in late October. Although, that doesn’t really help us determine what phone this is.

Earlier this week, a placeholder page on Motorola’s website for the Motorola Droid Razr Ultra said “Available in a bunch of glossy colors, this high-grade DuPont Kevlar body proves you can be even thinner and still be tough as steel.” Now, the picture above does show a kevlar back on this device and looks to be pretty thin. It also looks to be very small. Unless the Motorola logo is closer to the middle of the device. This could be the Droid Razr Ultra M or the Droid Razr Ultra Maxx, who knows at this point.

This could also be the Moto X. Since we were told yesterday that it would have big customization options, including different color backplates, engraving and more. Even though this doesn’t appear to be an engraving. It’s always fun to speculate. But I might have to go with this not being a Droid Razr Ultra of any sort since there are no Verizon logo’s in sight. And we all know how much Verizon loves their logos.

We do know that the Droid Razr Ultra and the Moto X are coming soon, real soon. In fact the XT1030 and XT1080 just passed through the FCC last night for Verizon. Which appear to be the new Droid Razr Ultra phones, but we don’t know for sure yet. We’re still waiting on an announcement from Verizon and Motorola.