Google Play Store v4.2.3 Leaks with Android 4.3 – Come Get your Download On!

Early this morning, Android 4.3 leaked onto the Nexus 4. Along with it came a new version of Google Play. It’s now sitting at version 4.2.3. The current version is 4.1.10. So we’ve been lucky enough to grab the APK and upload it so everyone can check it out and sideload it if they choose. As usual with new APKs, Android Police had to tear it apart. Here’s what they’ve found.

Some new additions to the new functionality for restricting user access to Google Play. They are thinking that this has to do with the multi-user support on tablets. There’s also a new activity called com.google.android.finsky.activities.AccessRestrictedActivity which coincides with what we’ve said above. That appears to be the only real change in version 4.2.3. Of course, now that the apk is out and into more hands, there will be more people looking for changes. You can grab the download link at the bottom of the post.

The APK is sitting at 5.76MB, which is the same size as the last version, 4.1.10. So it doesn’t appear to be a whole lot new, at least that the end user would see and possibly use. With Google’s event next week, we should know more about Android 4.3 and the new Nexus 7 on Wednesday. But until then, we’re going to see more leaks than the titanic. It’s still surprising to see a Nexus 4 on Craigslist ship with Android 4.3 on board. That’s what started this whole thing today. Android 4.3 is still said to be a rather minor update, but hopefully it fixes the few major bugs that we’ve been living with in Android 4.2.2 for a few months now. Like Bluetooth, WiFi and even that lag.

If you find anything news in this new version of Google Play, be sure to let us know in the comments down below.

Download: Google Drive, Dropbox