You know that advertisement that Motorola ran in many newspapers on July 3rd about the Moto X? Well there are some that are reading into it (a bit too much in my opinion), that the XI in the image. Which the guy looks like an X and the girl an I, means July 11th. Their reasoning is that XI = 11 in Roman Numerals. Which is correct. But I’m not sure that’s exactly what it means. Do you think we are reading to much into this Ad?
We’ve noticed lately that Motorola is really ramping up the marketing campaign for their Moto X and we’re expecting it to be announced soon and launched sometime in August. So a July 11th announcement date sounds really plausible. In fact, Motorola is having a small get together with some press on the 10th and 11th. Which makes it sound even more plausible. But we won’t know for sure until they announce it.
I really hope that Motorola and Google announce the Moto X on July 11th and have it shipping in August. That would be great for both companies. But the specs, and features we’ve been seeing leaked and rumored, suggest that this would not be a “high-end” device that we were all hoping for. Instead, it’ll be a mid-range phone at a ridiculously low price. We’ve been hearing it’ll be about $199 unlocked off-contract. Now that is pretty low, and for the specs we’re hearing, it might just sell well because it is priced so low.
July 11th is next Thursday. While we have nothing official about an event for Motorola, we’re going to keep our eyes and ears open to see what happens next week. We’re hoping that the Moto X is announced on July 11th. Then the rumors will calm down a bit. We’ve been reporting on Moto X rumors since last year. So it’s about time, right? How many of you are excited to see what the new Motorola can do with Google? Let us know in the comments down below.