Well, the folks over at MobileSyrup has just gotten a nice scoop about the Moto X for Canada. It is coming to Canada, but there’s some bad news with that. It’s coming as an exclusive to Rogers. According to the leaked internal doc shown above. We’ve already heard that the Moto X will be “designed by you” which might be a stab at Apple’s “Designed in California, manufactured in China” bit they throw on each iPhone they make. We’ve also heard that the Moto X is going to be available in many colors, feature engraving, and so much more. It basically looks like it’ll be a phone full of gimmicks, which makes me sad. And I really hope I’m wrong about that.
The Moto X is also said to be running stock Android. It’ll also be sold on the Play Store as well as at their carrier partners. Which we’ve already heard that the device will be landing on just about every US carrier. We’re hearing that the Moto X will be running Android 4.2.2 which is currently the most recent version of Android. Even though we’ve been waiting on Android 4.3 for a few months now.
The Moto X has a scheduled release of August in Canada. It’ll also be exclusively available on Rogers in Canada. Now we don’t know if this is a timed exclusive or just an exclusive. We’re hoping it’s a timed exclusive so the other carriers like Bell, Wind, Mobilicity, etc., will get the Moto X a few months later. Similar to what happened with the Galaxy Nexus here with Verizon. Verizon had the exclusive for a few months, then Sprint got the Galaxy Nexus. If it’s just a plain old exclusive, that’s going to be a hard fail for Motorola.
We’ve heard many rumors about the specs on the Moto X, we’ve even seen a few Motorola phones come through the FCC here in the US with some pretty sub-par specs. Including a 1.7GHz dual-core Snapdragon S4 Pro processor. But we’ve heard it’ll be very cheap off contract, which is always a good thing and a major selling point. How many of you are disappointed it’ll be a Rogers exclusive in Canada?