Questions About Glass? Google Has a FAQ for That

Despite the fact that Google Glass has been covered quite extensively by the press, it’s still shrouded in a lot of mystery. I, for one, have quite a few questions about the device which have yet to be answered. I don’t know about you, but I’m never content with just taking the word of old Joe Schmo when it comes to these things. I’d much rather hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.

Right on Google then for publishing a convenient FAQ page for the Google Glass platform. It pretty much gives you an in-depth look at how Google’s augmented reality headset works. If you have a question, chances are relatively high that it will be answered on that page.

The FAQ covers questions like:

  • So what exactly is Glass?
  • Why make a smart device that’s wearable?
  • Where do Explorers get Glass today?
  • When will Glass be available to all consumers?
  • What about people who wear prescription lenses?
  • Is Glass recording video or taking pictures all the time?

By now, you get the point. One question and answer set in particular stood out to me:

Q: It seems like Glass will make people more dependent on technology than ever before?

A: Each person is different, but Glass is not designed to be an immersive or distracting experience, and it’s certainly not augmented reality. In fact, the screen is inactive by default. This is the result of a lot of specific software and hardware design decisions that put you, not the device, at the center of the experience. Paradoxically, many people actually report that after several weeks of wearing Glass they find themselves using technology less and far more efficiently because they get only the information they want, exactly when they want it, and then get on with their day.

It’s interesting that Google seems to believe a piece of wearable tech will lessen dependency on tech.

Anyway, moving on.

Hit up the provided link to read more question and answer sets on Google Glass like the one above.

Have you checked out the FAQ yet? Did you get an answer for your questions, or do you still have some?