Verizon Pushing the HTC One Launch back to August 15th

Will Verizon ever release the HTC One? It looks like by the time they launch the device, it’ll be a year old. We had seen a roadmap that showed the HTC One launching on August 1st. Now the folks over at Droid Life have gotten an internal document that references the HTC One launch date has been moved. “HTC One Launch moved to 8/15” at the bottom of the image shown above.

We don’t know why Verizon is taking their sweet time with the HTC One. But we figure that they don’t care too much about the HTC One right now. Especially with their new DROID lineup, the Moto X and the Galaxy Note 3 coming in just a few months. Hopefully it’ll get released before the Galaxy Note 3 does. But at this point, who knows.

The Verizon HTC One has already stopped by the FCC. So we are literally only waiting on the launch date for the HTC One on Verizon. We aren’t the only ones that have said this, and probably won’t be the last. But with the Moto X launch coming tomorrow, and it possibly going on sale the same day, the HTC One on Verizon shouldn’t be your main focus right now. But we’ll check out what Motorola has to offer tomorrow with the Moto X and then wait on August 15th to see if we get the HTC One on Verizon, finally.

Does this really surprise us? Not really. Verizon always takes their sweet time with releasing phones and other devices. For instance, the Galaxy S4 launched about a month after the other carriers on Verizon. Same thing happened with the Galaxy Note 2 as well. So this is nothing surprising, and if it surprises you, it shouldn’t.

How many of you are anxious to get your hands on a Verizon HTC One? Let us know in the comments below.