Netflix Bringing Multiple Profile Support to Android 'Soon'

Many of us probably have a Netflix account. Many of us probably share it with our families. I know on my Netflix account there are about 4 different people that use it. Today, Netflix rolled out an update to their iOS app that allows multiple profile support, and they say the update is coming to Android ‘soon’.

The company is stating that streaming limits will stay the same, but once you get the update you’ll be able to split your account up into 5 different profiles. Each of them will have different movie ratings than before. So if your wife or girlfriend likes movies or TV shows that you don’t, you won’t have to see them in your stream again, and vice versa. Sounds pretty neat. And I can’t help but wonder why it took them this long to do this.

We’re going to assume that the Netflix development team hasn’t begun rolling out the update to Android yet because they want to get that Android 4.3 freezing bug under control. Especially with the growing number of Android 4.3 users out there. The update should be hitting other devices like PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, smart TVs and Blu Ray players now. I’m going to assume that the web player has already been updated, but that’s not confirmed just yet.

How many of you are excited to see this update make its way over to Android? I know I’m excited since I share my account with my whole family and almost all the recommendations are for other people and not me. You can take a look at the video below from Netflix and see exactly how the Netflix Profiles will work out. You can also find more information from Netflix’s website.


Thoughts on this new Netflix feature? Feel free to leave them down below.