Want to See the Moto X Early? Head to Chicago Today!

Motorola is launching the Moto X on stores shelves just tomorrow, but wouldn’t you rather check one out today?  That’s the idea behind Motorola’s newest giveaway, but you have to be somewhat of a detective in order to win it.  Droid Life found a tweet from Motorola that requires some community participation in order to even get the clues started, but it works like this: Motorola will be in 3 different places in Chicago today, and in order to figure out those 3 places you’re going to need to retweet the above tweet to get clues.  If you’re among the first 3 people to get to that spot you’ll get two tickets for the Moto X Fashion Show in Chicago, where you’ll get some early hands on time with Motorola’s newest flagship device.  Motorola is light on the details right now since this is just a tweet, but be sure to stay tuned to Motorola’s Twitter page for the next clue that’s going out.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Moto X, it’s Motorola’s newest flagship phone that you can customize before you buy it.  Their online customization tool, called MotoMaker, gives you hundreds of options and combinations, letting you choose colors, materials used and even engraving names and words on the phone. After all the customization is over, the Moto X is a unique phone with some seriously unique design aspects.  It’s got a custom 8-core processor that’s specialized to a tee, and performs with the best of the phones on the market right now.  It’s also got a really interesting set of touchless controls and gestures that really set it apart from other phones on the market.  The bottom line is this: the Moto X is one of the best phones on the market right now, and it’s available as early as tomorrow.  If you’re in Chicago and have some time to kill today, why not play a little game and get your hands on this beast early?  Have fun and let us know if you participate!