I have heard (never seen, of course) about some nasty things in my day, but I never thought my smartphone could get an STD, or Securely Transmitted Disease. As of yet, there are no pills to take and no shot to administer to stop this disease, so to prevent its spreading and infecting your phone, there is a USB Condom to prevent this STD…I kid you not. So if you’re the type to run around and plug their phone into a strange USB port, please use protection and stock up on the newest USC Condom from Int3cc.
The USB Condom (its actual name) protects your electronic devices from accidently exchanging data when connected to a charging device. With the surge in mobile phone and tablet use, many people carry theirs with them at all times and using them throughout the day, draining that precious battery life. More and more charging stations are popping up to allow you to juice-up your device while on the run. Airports, conference centers, lounges, and waiting rooms, are just to name a few places when you might want to charge your phone or tablet while you are waiting.
This bad enough for an average citizen, but what if you worked for a secure Government Agency – you know the kind that monitors our phone calls – a University, or a Fortune 500 company, and they were the ones receiving the hacking; the results could be devastating and costly. So for them we have to say, USB Condoms all around.
While these charging spots are very convenient, they might not actually be safe if a third party tampers with it, allowing malware to enter your device or steal information from the device – and all of this will happen without your knowledge, until it’s too late. A group of hackers from the Georgia Institute of Technology actually created a fake looking Apple charger that download a fake app that infect the phone, and even after the phone was unplugged, they were able to gain access to the phone remotely!
A USB connector has both power and data connectors built into it, hence the reason we can exchange data while charging our device at the same time. It is those data connectors that the USB Condom protects – they literally stop any data transmission capabilities by cutting off the data pins before anything unwanted can enter your device, but leaves all of the charging pins alone to do their job.
The USB Condoms are to “be priced very, very, cheaply” and available after September 16 and can be purchased HERE. Did you ever think you would be buying a condom for your USB port? I guess it really is better to be safe than sorry!