ChatOn by Samsung Used by Over a 100 million People – Are You One of Them?

I know that it is not realistic, but I wish we could have ONE or two messaging services and that would be it – too many apps to install and worry about for me; the idea of one universal messenger would be grand. Besides Google Hangouts (which I use the most and like), we have iMessage, BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, Imo, Meebo, and many more. Not to be left out of the party, Samsung has to offer their own, ChatOn Application, for keeping in touch with friends and family.

Samsung just announced that ChatOn has a global subscriber rate of over 100 million users, after only launching in October 2011. Pretty impressive numbers for a messenger system that is less than two years old, although we do not know if those are really active subscribers, or just ones that sign up for a test run, but never actually use ChatOn – we all know how Samsung likes to “massage” their numbers. The large number could come from the international appeal and various OS platforms ChatOn supports, such as Android, iOS, BlackBerry, and Windows, as well as the PC and smartphone platforms. Another move in its favor is that ChatOn is preloaded on most major Samsung devices, starting with the Galaxy S3 and subsequent launches on the Galaxy S4, Note 2, Note 3, Galaxy Gear, and Galaxy Camera.

ChatOn was designed to ensure users across the globe that they would be able to communicate with one another, in multiple languages – currently 63 of them! ChatOn has experienced steady growth in India, China, and the U.S., and is catching on in Europe and the Middle East.

ChatOn is more than a type and send messenger, with customized wallpapers, drag-and-drop media sharing, and ChatOn even allows users with Samsung devices that use an S-Pen, the ability to hand-write messages. Take a look at the video below to experience some of ChatOn’s features. Let us know in the comments or on Google+ if you use ChatOn and like it or have at least tried it – what are your thoughts.
