Sponsored App Review: eWeather HD

Description: eWeather HD isn’t like other weather apps for Android. Instead of just telling you “it’s going to rain” and then it’s “54 degrees out”, eWeather HD goes much further. In parts of the US and of course elsewhere in the world, weather patterns can be incredibly unpredictable and often devastating to homes and businesses. eWeather HD provides such metrics as Earthquake Maps, Sea Surface Level Temperature, Wind Speeds and more. From sunrise to sunset, to 126 different weather alerts, eWeather HD does it all. With an intuitive UI and an arrary of widgets, eWeather HD is one of the better weather apps out there on Android.

How it Works: First of all, you’ll have to download the app from the Play Store and then you’re ready to start predicting the weather.

As you can see, the first view will give you a 24-hour overview of the weather. You can simply swipe to the left to get a look at more detailed views.

There are a number of these views to look at.

Hitting the three-dot menu in the right-corner will give you options for more views. Including a map of weather for your region.

As well as all that, there are a multitude of widgets to choose from:

Once you choose a widget you can then set it up with the information you like.

These widgets will look different on your homescreen, depending on which one you choose and how you set them up.


For those on Android 4.2 or above, you can also take advantage of lock-screen widgets.


As well as this, you can also take advantage of all these notifcations. You can adjust them in the settings:

Opinion: As a UK resident, I know full well that the weather can be unpredictable. One minute I can be outside enjoying the sun, the next it could be pouring it down. For me however, I really want to find out about the wind today. The wind is one of my greatest annoyances and can really stress you out if you have a lot of walking to do or using public transport. For those a little further-flung around the world, you can use eWeather to get updates on Earthquakes with a simple widget or get very granular information on what’s going to happen to weather over the next 10-days. Farmers and people that rely on the weather around the world will find the masses of info on offer here very worthwhile.


  • Speed (4/5) – eWeather HD took no time at all find my position in the world and gathering info on my location was just as speedy.
  • Features (5/5) – You might think that there’s only so much a weather app can offer, right? Well, eWeather HD takes things to the extreme and offers everything you could want in a weather app.
  • Theme (3.5/5) – The visuals here could do with a little work but, for the most part they’re readable and look just fine.
  • Overall (4/5) – If you’re looking for a granular and extremely detailed weather application for Android, eWeather HD won’t disappoint.


  • Granular weather readings give you all the information you want.
  • 10-day forecast is far more than most apps offer.
  • Earthquake widget is good for those living near fault lines.
  • Persistent notifications can be great for those in volatile weather environments


  • Visuals could do with some updating.
  • User Interface might be cramped to those not familiar with weather metrics.

Conclusion: eWeather HD is a lot of things, thanks to the fact that it pretty much ticks all the boxes for a weather app. From the 10-day forecast, to wind speed and Earthquake maps, there’s so much on offer here. Sure, this is not the casual weather app you install to tell you what the weather’s going to be like at the weekend. eWeather HD is so much more than that, this is the application you install if you need to be sure what the weather is going to do. Whether that means you’re a farmer or something like that, if you need to know what the weather is up to, eWeather HD won’t disappoint.