Featured: Top 10 Best Android Retro Games

10. Sonic The Hedgehog
Not only is Sonic The Hedgehog iconic, but legions of Sega Genesis fans flocked in droves to be part of the experience that helped shape the ever popular platformer game style. The blue bomber would be in our hearts for quite some time and for some, he never left. Maybe it was the super speed or the curling up in a ball and launching towards foes that kept players wanting more, one thing’s for sure though. The epic battle between Sonic and Dr Roboto would be all but over. Many were happy to see SEGA finally bring this unforgettable hero to Android, and I have to say I am one of them as I grew up playing this for many hours at a time.

9. Duke Nukem 3D
“Come get some!” Of the classic fan favorite First Person shooter with the lovable Duke nukem. I’m pretty sure I was never supposed to play this when I was younger, what with all the innuendo references, bad language, intense gore and horrible themes strewn throughout the game. Oh and lets not forget alcohol and drug use. Who are we kidding though… did I listen? No of course not. Duke Nukem was badass and everyone knew it! Now we can all sit back and enjoy some of those good times again. Blowing enemies to bits while we let our most fond memories of Duke quotes sink in. What was your favorite quote?

8. R-Type
Almost everyone has played a side scrolling shooter at some point growing up if you were a gamer. R-Type was one of those that has been around for a very long time and despite being really, really, really old, and i mean really… It refuses to die. That’s because it was a great game. It’s not just gamers that grew up playing it that couldn’t get enough, even the retro trend followers had to have a taste. Let’s face it, if you’re going to be part of the retro game scene or at least act like you’re a fan than you know you have to give R-Type a shot. This wasn’t the first game of it’s kind nor was it the last. It surely was one of the most memorable though and with good reason.

7. Crazy Taxi
OK, so this one’s a little newer than your average retro game, but it’s 2013 now and I think by most people’s standards we can all agree that Crazy Taxi deserves a spot in the retro archives. Nothing was more exciting for a time than getting to assume control of your favorite taxi driver and bomb through the city trying to grab as many fares as you could. The android port is excellent and is every bit as good as the original if not better, and certainly brings back a lot of good memories. Remember that the crazier you drive the better your fares and points will be, but don’t drive too crazy or you could end up losing the fare if you’re late to the destination. Use any route imaginable, that means also driving through water if you have to and catch air to excite the passengers and get them where they need to be on time. If you can do all of this, you’ll be one crazy driver.

6. Pac Man
Perhaps the MOST retro game on this list, it would be blasphemy not to include it. Pac man is not only an awesome retro game, its something of mega cult classic you’ll find just about anywhere you can find older games. Here in the northwest, “barcades” have been gaining popularity as retro games have been coming back into the scene and you can bet your ass the one in my town has a GIANT Pac-Man arcade right near the door when you walk in. Simple yet fun content makes it easy for anyone to pick up and play, and how could you not with easy controls like up,down,left,right. That’s it. Just move directions and eat as many pellets as you can, while avoiding the ghosts and attempting to eat fruit for power ups. If you have never played Pac-Man you missed out on a wonderful addition to video games. Luckily, he’s made a comeback just like many other heroes from that time, so all is not lost.

5. Double Dragon
If I had a quarter for every time I sat back and wished I had a great side scrolling brawler to play on my android device well damn…. i’d probably have a couple bucks. Sadly, i didn’t get a quarter each time i yearned to play one, so I had to buy Double Dragon with my own money instead of magically appearing coins that just showed up in my pocket. The good news is, Double Dragon on android. Seriously. One of the best games on NES/SNES growing up. Playing co-op with a friend or in my case brother was the best and no one had to fight for who got to play. Now i’m quite a bit older and i can enjoy this all to myself anytime i want on the go. How’s that for a flashback?

4. Final Fantasy III
I really shouldn’t have to explain myself at all here, cause it’s Final Fantasy and really one of the best in the entire series. Still though I get that some people have never really picked up a Final Fantasy game and that is completely ok. The storyline and rich gameplay only take us half way through the awesome factor, only to be followed up by many characters to whom you will form a bond with and empathize with their situations as you play the game. Tons of different character jobs to play and you can switch between them along the way. You’ll have the opportunity to play through many of them as the story goes on of course so even for those that aren’t familiar with the FF layout, you’ll be able to learn quickly. Final Fantasy is all about turn based combat and the story behind all the battles so sit down with some time and enjoy everything. The original was good enough in itself, but coming to android was a long journey and making sure to give us the 3D overhaul that was made for Nintendo DS was a fantastic move on Square Enix’s part. If you fancy a great RPG, let this be one of your first to play on Android.

3. Metal Slug 3
If you grew up in the age of video games when they were just starting to emerge than you more than likely had a few run ins with a Neo-Geo machine. The great thing about the Neo-Geo is that there was usually a few games in one arcade machine and the Metal Slug series was one of the finest. Metal Slug 3 in particular was my favorite. the graphics were a little better than the original and you got the introduction of new weapons and power ups and of course the same awesome side scrolling ass kicking gameplay that Metal Slug is known for. Metal Slug has been ported to plenty of different platforms but having it available on my mobile or tablet is amazing.

2. King of Fighters-A 2012
King of Fighters was another Neo-Geo based game that eventually made its way to plenty of consoles and platforms. This isn’t the first King of Fighters game to come to android, (there was actually one that was published by gee-gee) but this one is definitely the better of the two. Although maybe not as popular as Capcom’s street fighter series, King of Fighters was always right there nipping at the heels and to some was more of a favorite. This version has 36 playable characters and the same great KOF gameplay but with a tad bit of a modern facelift. Just a little bit, not even really updated graphics, just more… HD but still 2D and hand drawn looking. There are plenty of different game types to remember when we think about retro, but fighting games were among the more popular with larger crowds and are what drew hordes of gamers to the arcades.

1. Final Fantasy IV
Why does Final Fantasy IV earn the top spot on the list? Because among all retro games, Final Fantasy IV was insanely popular beyond everyone’s imagining. Many things that are seen throughout the series and even in some of the newer FF games now were introduced here. The ATB or Active Time Battle system along with the augment system that allowed you to transfer abilities from other characters gave gamers an edge they needed in battles and something that was new to them in the series. The story line in FF IV was quite easily the most engaging in terms of depth and most saw it as a cornerstone for the future of the franchise. FF IV has hours upon hours of gameplay and a lovable cast of characters that you will certainly feel connected to by the games end. The story here is certainly different from the rest, but the backbone is there and would have you save the world from darkness. The inevitable between Light and Dark over the power of the crystals. Final Fantasy IV is Final Fantasy at the top of it’s game.