Steve Kondik Appears in Latest Trailer for Upcoming Oppo N1: "We have exciting news ahead"

If you’re a fan of custom ROMs and the grand daddy of all custom ROMs, CyanogenMod then Steve Kondik is no stranger to you. He’s the man behind the recently formed company, CyanogenMod Inc., and without him it’s debatable as to whether or not we’d have such a rich open-source community surrounding Android ROM development. At this point you’re probably wondering what Mr Kondik is doing in Oppo’s latest teaser for their upcoming N1 smartphone. Well, so are we.

In a very short clip recently uploaded to the Oppo website, Mr Kondik speaks into the camera and declares that he’s excited for the upcoming launch of the N1 in Beijing. However, what’s more notable is that he leaves us by saying: “We have exciting news ahead”. Oppo is a company that’s gained a reputation for being a supporter of open source projects such as CyanogenMod and Android as a whole. With the newly formed CyanogenMod Inc., this could be the first hint of a collaboration between the company and a hardware manufacturer.

Is it possible that CyanogenMod is to come pre-installed on the N1? Well, it’s possible but, it’s less than likely. After all, Oppo will have their own skin and software to take advantage of the much-teased camera and rear trackpad. However, what’s more likely is that the N1 is to be the first device which supports the recently announced one-click installation method of CyanogenMod. Either that or, the two companies have been working very closely when it comes to the N1’s software.

Whatever it is, we’ve only got 20 seconds of footage and a bucket full of ideas to go on so only time will tell. Oppo is unveiling the N1 on September 23rd in Beijing and we’ll all know for sure just what Mr Kondik was alluding to in those short seconds.

In the meantime though, let us know what your thoughts are, here and on Google+!
