When Glass Meets Fashion – Say Hello to Glashion

Googles Glass is once again in the news as App Developers continue to discover new ways to use Glass, even when it comes to fashion and shopping, two words that are made to go together.  In an article last month Vogue used Glass in a fashion spread, making Glass to appear rather avant-garde, not exactly what Google had in mind, but probably accurately defines Glass at this point.  Until Glass becomes more “mainstream,” its idea is a little daunting and strange to most people.

Shopping, however, is a universal fun enjoyed by all and a new App called Glashion can make your shopping experience easier by allowing Glass to “look” for your fashions online while you continue to walk, shop, or eat lunch, and the App is available now to download and use.  Suppose you are out at lunchtime and spot a fashion item that you simply must have, such as, purse (or is it called a bag nowadays), pair of shoes or an outfit someone else is wearing.  It would be pretty rude to grab your phone and snap a picture of a total stranger and even more rude to ask them to pose.  Enter Google Glass where you only need to look at the person wearing or holding the item in question and snap a picture.

You then tell Glass, “Ok glass, I want this!” and then the Glashion app will ask you (on your Glass display) to either Tap to find a store in which the item may be purchased or to Swipe and see more products that are of a similar nature.

 If you decide that you must buy the item, then Glashion will hand off the request to the ShopStyle API:

In ShopStyle it will try and find the exact item or suggest ones that are close to it in size. style, and color.  Then you can Tap to buy the item or keep Swiping to see more items and Glashion will send you an email with a link to view the item online.  If there is a shop nearby you can even get directions in Glass’s display to show you the way:

According to TechCrunch, the app was developed by AngleHack NYC organizer and Bill Mauro, who runs a fashion App called Instashop, a marketplace for items found on Instagram, and Mexican entrepreneur, Felipe Servin

Teaming up Glass and shopping functions is a match made in heaven and it was only a matter of time before it would spill over into the fashion world.  I would expect to see an onslaught of shopping Apps for Glass before it is introduced to the public sometime in 2014.