Sony has been one of those manufacturers that make great devices, but doesn’t really bring them into the US. You know one of the biggest smartphone markets? For example, the Xperia Z. It launched this summer, about 6-7 months after it was announced and then it was a T-Mobile exclusive. That’s not going to help them. Sony has some really nice looking devices. The Xperia Z1 and Xperia Z Ultra are a couple of them. I had a chance to play with the Xperia Z on T-Mobile earlier this summer along with the Xperia ZL (Unlocked) and they are both great devices. I’d love to see more of their devices in the US. Not only is the hardware beautiful, but even the software has a nice touch. Unlike many other OEMs, Sony’s skin is the nicest in my opinion.
While we’re talking about software. Sony was the first one to update their devices to Android 4.2, with the Xperia Z and ZL. That’s gotta say something right? It’s really hard for me to get excited about Sony devices when they are leaked and even announced. Why? Well history. In the past either Sony doesn’t bring their devices to the US (other than unlocked) or they are an exclusive to one carrier. C’mon Sony it’s 2013, time to get your smartphones on all the carriers.
Just last week, a report came out that Sony was looking to become the #3 OEM. Now that’s not just in Android, but in smartphones, behind Samsung and Apple. Which is doable. However, it’s going to be much harder if they keep bringing their devices to the US like they have in the past few years. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a “I hate Sony” or a “I hate everyone but Sony” post. I like and dislike all the OEMs equally. I just like to see more options in the US when I walk into a carrier store. It’d be nice to walk into Verizon or AT&T and be able to choose from the Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy S4, HTC One, G2, Moto X or the Xperia Z1. I’m sure once most people see the camera on the Xperia Z1 that it’ll be the one they want. Each of these flagships offer something different, but it would still be nice to be able to buy the Xperia Z1 without dropping about $700 for it.
I don’t see Sony selling many unlocked Xperia Z1’s. Sure they’ll sell a few, but selling them through a carrier where they can be subsidized is a much better approach and will help Sony sell a ton more. But that’s just my opinion.
I know we have many Sony fans that follow us and read our site. How many of you would love to see Sony make a better push into the US? With HTC almost done and gone, it’ll be nice to get some fresh blood in here that can push out great phones quicker than 6 months after release and make it exclusive to one carrier. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.