Calm Down Everyone, the KitKat Site Will Have a Countdown to the Android 4.4 Announcement

Lately, it seems like we’ve heard every day of the month will be the Android 4.4 event. We heard that yesterday it would be announced…well that obviously didn’t happen. Now we are hearing four more dates which include October 18th, 23rd, 30th and 31st. Not to mention the date we just saw hit the rumor mill a few minutes ago, October 28th. I think October 28th-31st is the most likely because last year it was announced on October 30th, which was the last Monday in October. But hey, don’t worry, looking at the code on the KitKat website there will be a countdown to the event.

While this doesn’t really help us figure out when the event is, it does tell us that we can check out the KitKat site to find out when it will be happening. This code was found in the JavaScript file name kitkat.min.js. There’s a section that says “comingsoon-countdown”. While we’ve heard a lot of people saying October 28th, that’s still unconfirmed, even with the fact that there will be a countdown on the KitKat site.

For those thinking “would Google just release it already?” there’s one thing we know about Google. They release stuff when it’s ready. Instead of saying “we’ll announce it on October 30th” months in advance, they announce it about a week in advance. That way you’re not getting rushed code, and Google has time to make sure the update is ready. We all remember how late Android 4.3 was in coming out this year right? One thing is for sure, Android 4.4 is for real and it’s coming soon. Although, at this point, we may know everything about KitKat already. Hopefully Google does announce it soon though.

I’m getting pretty excited for Android 4.4, as I’m sure the rest of you are. But it gives KitKat even more time to mess with all of us Geeks by posting random things on their Google+ and other social media, profiles.