Could Today's Google+ Announcement Have Something to Do With the Nexus 5 and #momentsthatmatter?


We’re all wondering just when, oh when, is Google finally going to officially announce the new Nexus 5 and let us all hurry to the Play Store and let us buy one. Well, last night we got that little bit closer when a leak from WIND Mobile in Canada gave us another look at the Nexus 5 and gave us a cute little tagline. While that doesn’t seem like much to go on, when talking about today’s Google+ event scheduled for later on, stay with me. The tagline reads:

Google Nexus 5. The smart, new phone made to capture the moments that matter.

Vic Gundotra, the Senior Vice President of Engineering in charge of Google+, had this to say on Google+ earlier on:

Rehearsing for our Google+ update in the morning. I hope you can all join us and watch the live video stream!


There in lies the link, the fact that the Nexus 5 is being billed as the phone to capture moments that matter and Vic teasing today’s event will be all about moments that matter. Of course, this could all be conjecture and frankly, at this point, anything’s possible. Moments that matter could simply be a new tagline for Google devices and Google+, hopefully funneling more users to Google+, which has come on leaps and bounds since its birth but, still lags behind Facebook and Twitter. With a more organized push to bolster user numbers on Google+, the search giant might be ready to make one big push towards Google+ on all fronts.

Earlier on today, the KitKat team decided to have a little fun with us, once again, with this cute little video. We’re not sure what it’s hinting at but, many of you are thinking that the link with magic means a Halloween launch is pretty likely. Let us know what you guys think in the comments below!