Sponsored App Review: WellWrite

Description: Smartphones and tablets are great devices for those looking to learn or brush up on their skills, no matter the subject. However, it’s the apps and content that make Android devices good for this sort of thing. WellWrite is an application for Android that hopes to test people’s spelling skills. It’s been available in Russian for some time and now, it’s available for English speakers, too. The app presents you with different spellings for one word and asks you to pick the correct, sort of like a Pop Quiz. You’ll be graded at the end of each quiz from A to F, depending on how well you’ve done.

How it Works: To get started, all you have to do is download the app from the Play Store.

As soon as you first take a look at the game, you’ll note the notebook look and feel, which is a nice touch. The general premise is to correctly choose the right spelling for words.

If you get a question wrong, you’ll be told which one was the correct answer at the same time.

At the end of each quiz, you’re told how many answers you got right.

As well as a grade, which is great for those still learning at school.

You can change a number of settings in the menu, including the font.

Through the Swarm support, you can see achievements that you’ve earned while playing. This is a great touch for younger kids as it gives them a sense of accomplishment.

As well as this, you can see the leaderboard, which should push people to try that little bit harder.

Opinion: The English language has some pretty strange spellings, even in American English which has slightly easier spellings. Patterns are hard to spot in English but, they do exist and facing quizzes like this can help people to spot them. Thanks to the notebook look, this is something that could work well as a supplement to younger users or those that struggling with literacy. It’s easy to use and is a light-hearted way of getting the brain pumping for kids.


  • Speed (4/5) – The app runs great on smartphones and tablets, with quick transitions from one question to another.
  • Features (4/5) – On the surface, this is just a simple pop quiz, which is fine but, some more advanced questions would work well.
  • Theme (4/5) – Thanks to the notebook look and handwriting, the app looks like another classroom tool.
  • Overall (4/5) – For youngsters learning English at school, WellWrite is a great tool to use at home and for those that struggle with literacy can use this to jog their memory.


  • Questions are tricky but, not too difficult to scare off younger users.
  • Looks like any other classroom tool and is great for use at home.
  • Doesn’t require a super-powerful phone or tablet, and can be used by anyone.
  • Players are graded at the end of each level, keeping this serious, but not too serious.


  • Default font can be a little hard to read – but there are others to choose from.
  • More advanced questions, like asking players to spell words themselves would be better for older players.

Conclusion: WellWrite is a great Android app for those looking to brush up on their English skills and particuarly useful for the younger audience. The UI looks like something out of the classroom and it’s a lighthearted game, with a slightly serious outcome. Grading players on how they do at the end will push people to try that little bit harder. Some more advanced questions, like spelling words manually would be welcome but, there’s more than enough on offer here as it is. For a pop quiz type thing, WellWrite is a good tool for parents to use with their kids at home and more.