Google+ Gets New Photo Search and Backup Options

With over 1.5 BILLION photos uploaded to Google+ every week, we need a way to help us organize those many pictures.  Google’s Senior Vice President of Social, Victor Gundotra, made it clear that photography was a major area of concern for Google+ and their latest update.  He likened photography as a journal of our lives – we take our smartphone/camera with us everywhere that we go, making it so easy to snap a picture, and many do it to the tune of a 100 photos a day. However, this is should be a journey of fun and not work when it comes to saving, backing up those photos, searching for them and finding the pictures that really matter to you.

Luckily for us, Google+ has incorporated many new features to make the taking, storing, sorting, and searching of our photos as easy as possible, and one thing that Vic stressed was that by default Google+ will upload your photos in full-resolution so that years down the road, you can enjoy your pictures the way they were meant to be viewed, with no degradation at all.

Below is an image of 683 photos that Vic took during his New Zealand vacation.  He said he felt like he needed another vacation after sorting through all of his pictures to find the best ones to keep – well, Google+ now will sort through them for you, taking out the duplicates, blurry, or badly exposed photos so that your viewing list can be shortened.

The group of 683 photos was reduced down to a manageable number, making it much easier to sort and pick out your favorite pictures.  

Another feature in the upgrade will be the ability to have your photos uploaded to Google+ automatically, even if your application is closed, that way you will never miss uploading a picture.  Google has also incorporated what they call “deep learning” into the Google+ photo search feature, allowing even untagged photos to be recalled by using words such as, “beach,” “sunsets,” or “snow,” and Google+ will display only those photos for you to view.  Google is adding 1,000 more terms to improve their search feature (see below).

There are so many features to help with your photos in Google+ and they really improved the editing features by incorporating Google’s newly acquired Snapseed into Google+, and for more about that read our earlier article. These announcements today are very exciting for the future of Google+.  Let us know in the comments or on Google+ what you think about the updates coming to Google+.