New Reader, Circa Launches in the Play Store

On Thursday, another RSS reader launched on the Play Store. To try and help you fill that void after Google Reader was shut down. There’s already plenty of great readers out there like Digg, AOL and my personal favorite Feedly. Witch Circa you can stay informed quickly and easily. You can follow your favorite headline news on your Android device. Normally news articles and small screens  usually don’t go together. But Circa fixes that by condensing the news and making it much easier to read while on-the-go.

Circa does bring a lot of great features in their app including Catch up quick. Which allows you to read long articles easier. Circa’s editorial staff boils down stories to just the facts to keep you informed and save you plenty of time as well. Additionally, you can follow the news, instead of constantly re-reading articles on the same subject, Circa allows you to follow stories that you’d like to stay up with. They’ll send you push notification each time a story you follow has been updated. You can also share stories and points that you find interesting via Email, Messaging, Facebook, Twitter or any other app you have installed by using the stock Android sharing menu.

Also, Circa has news coverage which is produced by their own editorial staff from the best sources, which they provide alongside each point if you’re curious. Also, every pixel of the app is artfully crafted. Circa is a pretty nice looking app, and it is tablet optimized, which is great to see, especially for new apps hitting the Play Store.

So for those of you that are looking for a new reader, you may want to check out this app. It’s available for free, it’s also available for Android 4.0 – Ice Cream Sandwich and up. Which is great, especially since 50% of Android users are on Jelly Bean now. It’s weighing in at about 3.7MB, so pretty small.