It's Official: T-Mobile Giving You Unlimited Data in Over 100 Countries at No Extra Charge

T-Mobile is getting ready to kick phase 3 of their Uncarrier revolution into gear and have just announced the “Simple Global” plan, which T-Mobile is using to bring the world closer together. They are giving customers unlimited data and text to you when you travel to other countries at no extra charge. Oh and that’s 100 countries there. Not exactly what we had in mind, but it’s definitely awesome. Right now, other carriers are charging a butt load for international roaming.

T-Mobile is also highlighting that Americans take about 55 million trips outside of the uS each year which brings about $1000+ in global roaming bills. Well that’s no more with T-Mobile.

“It doesn’t have to be this way,” said Legere. “The truth is that the industry’s been charging huge fees for data roaming. But what’s most surprising is that no one’s called them out – until now.”

This announcement allows Simple Choice customers to include more than 100 countries for global roaming at no charge. The global roaming plan begins October 31st, and it also includes unlimited texting in the same countries. For Voice calls, you’re looking at $0.20/minute, which is still pretty cheap. Additionally, Simple Choice customers won’t need to change or add anything to their plan, and they also won’t be paying anything extra.

Hang on though, because that’s not all. T-Mobile is also wanting their US customers to connect with friends and family all over the world. T-Mobile has also announced their new stateside international talk and text feature which provides discounted calling and texting from inside the US to all Simple Global countries. Customers will be paying $0.20/minute to any Simple Global country. That also includes mobile-to-mobile calls.

This is big. Actually this is HUGE. If you don’t get why I say this is huge, hop on over to Sprint, AT&T or Verizon’s website and see how much they charge for roaming. It’s not cheap and it’s very far from unlimited. So where does this leave the competition? Who knows. By the way, here’s a list of the 100 Simple Global countries.