With a Simple Mod, Google Now Can Use Any Android Supported Language

Google Now has been in our lives for almost a year and a half now. It doesn’t even seem like it’s been that long. But it was June 2012, when Google unveiled Android 4.1 along with Google Now. Google Now has seen many updates, and it’s also the app that started the whole cards UI thing that many of us are now a fan of. Google Now is like Siri for Android, but in my opinion it’s way better. In most cases, it will show you information before you even ask for it. Although I have to say I like Google Now on the Moto X more than on any other device, probably has to do with Touchless Control though.

While Google Now may be pretty smart and awesome, it doesn’t support a ton of languages. So an XDA forum user by the name of Sletmo has created a modification that will allow Google Now to use any language that Android supports. As expected, the code is pretty unofficial and may not work with every device. But it is worth trying out. You will need root access, although I’m not quite for sure why, since you’re essentially just replacing an app. Anyways. You’ll be replacing the Velvet.apk or the GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk with this new apk. So you are replacing the current Google Search apk with this unofficial new one.

If you’ve been looking for additional language support for Google Now, this is your chance. You can head over to the thread on XDA to find out more, including instructions for installing it and see what other kind of bugs are in this apk. If you do decide to check it out, be sure to leave a comment down below and let us know how  it worked out for you. Remember rooting your device voids your warranty, so if you don’t want to void the warranty, you may want to skip this.