Lately, another hot topic has been the NSA and that they are allegedly spying on us. We’ve also heard that many top companies are feeding the NSA our information, including Verizon, Facebook, Microsoft and Google. I’m sure the other carriers are in there somewhere as well. Verizon has just added fuel to this rapidly growing fire. They spoke with Tom’s Guide during the Cyber Security Summit 2013, which was held in New York City last week, Verizon’s vice president of national security policy, Marcus Sachs said some things that Verizon users won’t want to hear.
Marcus Sachs stated “If you’re worried about it, do something about it. Take security on yourselves, and don’t trust anybody else to do it. Don’t look at us to protect your data. That’s on you.” Sachs went on to say “There are services out there up to a certain point. You want encrypted phone calls? There’s an app for that.”
Obviously these weren’t the right words that Marcus Sachs should have said. As he essentially said don’t ask Verizon to protect your data. Additionally DSLReports stated “Verizon’s total failure to stand up to government on any front, their sale of location data to anyone and everyone, and their fighting tooth and nail against consumer privacy protections of any kind aren’t exactly what one might call helpful.”
Verizon kind of shot themselves in the foot last week. It’ll be interesting to see what they say next regarding the NSA. I don’t expect my carrier to fully protect my data, but I do expect them to at least help protect it. Personally, I don’t care if the NSA is spying on me because I’m not doing anything I shouldn’t be. It’s like saying you’re not going out anymore because there are camera’s everywhere. Someone is always watching you, and in this day and age, that’s a must.