We all love having those moments when we put on an old jacket and found a 5 dollar bill. Maybe the weather is changing, so you pull out the jacket that was stuffed in your closet and found a 20 dollar bill in the inside pocket. Those moments are pretty common, but I bet you have never bought a second hand device to find a software version on it that was only rumored.
This exact thing happened to a random Nexus 5 user, who bought a brand new nexus 5, although second hand, and when turned on, the device showed subtle and extreme differences. Firstly, the user claims that when powered on, the boot animation was the same as an old Ice Cream Sandwich build of Android(ICS). Except the image was a bit cropped and centered unlike the original build of ICS. As proof,the user posted a screenshot of the software info.
Normally we would all love to see what was the build process and maybe pull it apart to find out any clues of what maybe to come and what was just a trashed idea. The problem for this particular user, is that everything seemed to crash, repeatedly. Anytime an app was opened it crashed, and laggy.
Android is known for the sweet names of their OS builds, from Vanilla to Kit Kat, and Key Lime Pie is no different. Although, Key Lime Pie, has been nothing more than rumors and ideas. It was suspected to be the newest Android version after 4.3 Jelly Bean, instead, we got Android 4.4 Kit Kat. Naturally, we have moved on to calling Key Lime Pie, Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie, and are thinking this will be the next build of Android. Technology moves fast, and so does Google, so even though Android 4.4 Kit Kat was just released, and still hasn’t reached everyone yet, we wouldn’t be surprised if someone at Google is working on ANdroid 5.0, Key Lime Pie…
So when you get your Nexus 5 device, which should be on its way by now, open slowly, because you never know if it will be waffery goodness, or a slice of Key Lime Pie.