Can't Wait For That OTA? AOSP-Based ROMs Appear For the Nexus 4


Every time a new Nexus and a new version of Android is announced, previous Nexus owners become a little smug. Not only will they be getting an official update Android 4.4 KitKat – well, aside from Galaxy Nexus users – they’ll be able to taste Android 4.4 as soon as it hits the AOSP. Which was yesterday, the same day the Nexus 5 was announced. Google is of course going to be updating the Nexus 7, the 2013 Nexus 7, the Nexus 10 and the Nexus 4 with Android 4.4 but, for those that can’t wait a couple of weeks you can take a break with KitKat right now.

Thanks to an enterprising developer from RootzWiki there’s now an Android 4.4 ROM for the Nexus 4 built entirely from AOSP sources. It’s simple to flash and if you already own a Nexus device, the chances are that you’re already running a custom ROM as it is. It should be noted however, that this ROM features the same launcher used in Android 4.2 and 4.3, that’s because the Google Experience Launcher hasn’t been added to the AOSP. However, you can quickly and easily sideload it like you could yesterday.

Overall, reports on the ROM are good but, with a little more time, better and more capable ROMs will be coming along soon. However, if you’re type of user that trusts source code and you’re not too bothered with the fancy add-ins included in CyanogenMod, Paranoid Android et al, then this is a decent ROM to try out while waiting for that official OTA.

With this, you’ll be able to try out Android 4.4 on your Nexus 4, take a look at the slightly tweaked UI, the new animations, the new dialer and more. It even has the cool new Easter Egg included to boot. Why not give it a shot and then let us know how it works down in the comments or on Google+!