Pepsi And Coca-Cola To Have Custom Made Samsung Smartphones

If you’re Samsung, and you arguably have the largest portion of smartphone marketshare, what else is there that you have left to conquer? To answer that question directly, B2B. We all know that Samsung is big business. They mean business too. That’s why it shouldn’t come as a shock that they are producing custom made devices for companies like Coke and Pepsi. From a business to business standpoint, this is a very smart move. As the age of Blackberry in the enterprise workforce is ushered out like a dying sun, Samsung is here to say, “don’t worry, we’ll take good care of your contracts for you…”. That’s what Samsung is hoping anyways. So far, they’ve made plenty of modifications to get their smartphones up to speed in the safety department, first with the Samsung SAFE software and now KNOX, Samsung smartphones are well equipped to be the driving force behind many businesses and corporations when it comes to utilizing a mobile tool.

This news comes to us by way of the Korea times, and also states that not only is Samsung looking to make custom devices for Coca-Cola and Pepsi, but also Fed Ex as well as other “global players” as Samsung puts it. This is a huge push from Samsung to enter more into the B2B sector, which could definitely strengthen and solidify their place holding as the number one smartphone manufacturer. Since these devices are going to be for enterprise use, we can guess that they will have all kinds of stuff you wouldn’t see on a normal consumer based Samsung smartphone. Like possibly a built in barcode scanner for logistics, maybe the omission of camera for further corporate security, and who knows what else.

There are plenty of reasons for Samsung to advance on this front, but the most obvious reason is that the market has almost become completely saturated with smartphone devices on the business to consumer side of things. Since Blackberry is losing its grip on enterprise, Samsung wants to take over as the new reigning king in that market to prepare for full consumer saturation and help them stay among the top smartphone makers. It’s a smart move on their part, and we’ll just have to wait and see how it affects business. If you work for a larger corporation like this would you like to see a custom Samsung smartphone to handle all your business related needs?