AH Awards 2013: Best Android Personalization App Of The Year

People want to personalize their device; after all everybody wants to be an individual and show off what they like and change their devices to function more to their liking. The Personalization area of the Google Play Store is an eclectic collection of apps to personalize your device – from Dialers to Launchers to Live Wallpapers. Most every user adds apps that do a basic function, already done by device itself, however, the apps may add some extra features, prettier screens or more functionality than the basic skin. We choose a couple of complete opposites to pit against each other – a Phone Call app, called CallHeads and a complete launcher, called KitKat Launcher+.

Runner Up – CallHeads

CallHeads is like a “floating head,” holding a telephone that hovers over your display, and it shows the incoming call over the app you are working in.  You pull the CallHead towards the green headset to answer or the red one to send the call to your voicemail.  You can move the CallHead off to the side of the screen to finish typing a text, for instance.  It even works if you are taking a picture – the CallHead will pop up in your camera app with the green and red headset off to the left and right of the screen.  It also works in most games, popping up on your game screen.  You also have the option of “postponing” a call and answering a few seconds later, after you finish flinging that last “Angry Bird.”

Winner – KitKat Launcher+

Ever since the Nexus 5 came out with the newest Android 4.4 KitKat, techies have been scrambling around trying to reproduce the KitKat experience on their own devices without having to root…KitKat Launcher+ to the rescue.  This app is compiled directly from the AOSP and focuses on giving the user that true-to-stock KitKat experience.  This launcher allows customization without the usual bloat found on many launchers and is fast and smooth and available for devices using Android 4.1.2 and later.

It carries over the Google Now (GEL style) experience and the ability change the icon size back to the pre-KitKat size.  On the screen you can hide the Google Search Bar, hide the page indicator, change the grid size, and enable a set amount of screens – it will not automatically remove empty screens.  In the Drawer, you can also hide the page indicator and application icons, and change the grid size.  It will automatically center your home screen and you can configure your Home button behavior.

You will not have the transparent notification bar because that is reserved for devices actually running Android 4.4 KitKat.  This app tries to make your device as close to the 4.4 KitKat experience as possible, so there are no custom wallpapers or icons.  If you are a Nexus 5 want-a-be, then this is the app for you.

Let us know what you think in the comments or on Google+ about our selections, if you use either of the apps, and if you like or dislike them.