Android 4.3 Jelly Bean Hits Xperia Z1 and Xperia Z Ultra


In this world of KitKats, it’s sometimes hard to realize that there’s an older version of Android out there but, there’s always an older version of Android out there and the last version of Android was Android 4.3, yet another helping of Jelly Beans. While the Sony Z Ultra from the Play Store might already have Android 4.4, it’s now without its issues. Sony is today rolling out Android 4.3 to their flagship, the Xperia Z1 and the goliath that is the Xperia Z Ultra. As you might expect, this is more of a background update than it is anything else but, Android 4.3 is a worthy update to have and the wait from 4.3 to KitKat shouldn’t be too much longer now that Android 4.3 is available on these devices.

Sony have updated some of their own applications as well, bringing all of their system apps, such as Messaging, Walkman and the like up to their latest versions and the Xperia Z Ultra is getting the smart social camera that launched with the Xperia Z1. As as well as all that, there’s also the launch of “Xperia Themes” which allows users to download and change the appearance of the software on their Xperia device. It’s a nice tough and Sony say they’ll have more info on it shortly. Android 4.3 bought with it a fair amount of background upgrades such as the ability to use Bluetooth Low Energy.

In their blog post, Sony also mentioned that other Xperia devices will be getting the update to Android 4.3 very shortly. While this isn’t the Android 4.4 update we were hoping for, this is a decent showing from Sony. Not only that but, KitKat is definitely on the way and it’s available in their AOSP for Xperia project right now. As with all OTA updates, this is rolling out gradually and should be with your device shortly. This should, for the time being, mostly apply to our European readers so, let us know in the comments if you’ve received the update or not!