Assassin's Creed Pirates Now Available in the Google Play Store

In the gaming world there are a few things you can’t ever predict or count on, and then there are the yearly staples of gaming.  Things like Call of Duty, Madden and Assassin’s Creed have become yearly releases in historic franchises that many gamers clamor to year after year.  After a while though people get sick of the same old thing, and developers need to change it up a bit, so this time around for Assassin’s Creed Ubisoft has taken to the high seas of pirateering to get its newest story flowing.

While the full-fledged game for PC and consoles has been out for a few weeks now and the companion app for Android has been as well, the actual mobile game was nowhere to be found; until now that is.  Ubisoft has just released Assassin’s Creed Pirates for Android, and it’s looking more like the PC classic Sid Meier’s Pirates than an Assassin’s Creed game.

Ubisoft is toting plenty of gameplay here for the $4.99 asking price, including over 50 story and side missions and nearly 100 treasures and lost parchments to find.  You’ll be able to compete with your friends for high scores, although it doesn’t seem like the game is Google Play Games compatible, which is strange given that Ubisoft has been integrating the service lately into their new games.  There’s plenty of upgradable stuff here too, including getting bigger and better ships, upgrading your equipment, and hiring crew to man all your shiny new cannons.

You’ll be playing as an actual pirate in this game rather than a crazy pirate assassin as you would in the full-fledged game, but you’ll encounter plenty of assassins and templars along the way in the story.  You’ll even find pseudo historical characters like Blackbeard along the way.  Head to the Play Store, and check out the trailer below.  The app should be compatible with most phones and tablets, and is available in a number of languages.
