Sponsored App Review: Fireballs in The Sky

Description: First of all, Fireballs in the Sky is unlike most other Android apps, in that it’s not really designed to entertain – although it is very interesting – but more to inform and catalog data. That might sound boring but, to those that are interested in meteor sightings well, this is probably the app you’e been waiting for. With a news feed full of recent sightings and more, the ability to record your sighting in great detail and then to have it reconstructed is brilliant. Fireballs in the Sky is designed for meteor enthusiasts and it really serves its target audience well. It’s a well-polished app experience that works great and certainly doesn’t skimp when it comes to detail, before this sort of cataloging would have been left to professionals but, with this brilliant little app, anyone can report a meteor sighting. Take a look at the video below for more:

How it Works: To get started with the app, you’ll need to download Fireballs in the Sky from the Play Store. once you’ve done that, you’re ready to start exploring the world of meteor showers.

The first page you come to is full of news stories and latest sightings, with anecdotal stories that enthusiasts will find a nice touch:

Of course, most people will be more interested in looking at the most recent sightings which they can do quickly and easily:

The main feature of the app however, is to be able to report your own meteor sightings, which is a straightforward, if not involved process, that starts off simple.

You’ll be asked a number of questions when reporting a sighting, in order to make sure the sighting is both genuine and to help recreate and confirm it.

When sightings are detailed and accurate, their recreation can help other people get a taste of what you saw:

Opinion: Space has always fascinated us and ever since the USA sent their first rocket to the Moon it hasn’t changed. We’ve all owned telescopes over the years and as such, it’s no surprise that amateur astronomy continue to prove popular. Now that we have more processing power than a whole fleet of Apollo 11s in our pockets, it’s only right that we take advantage of it. That’s exactly what Fireballs in the Sky does and it’s something that enthusiasts will absolutely love. Keeping a track of these sightings is difficult even with a sophisticated laptop but now, you can do so from your phone, which is just cool, not to mention very helpful for the community on the whole.


  • Speed (4/5) – Fireballs in the Sky is a fluid app that runs well and allows you to perform a lot of things pretty quickly.
  • Features (4/5) – For those looking to report meteor sightings, or just take a look at those nearby, Fireballs in the Sky has everything you’d need.
  • Theme (4/5) – The app itself looks good, it’s simple yet sophisticated and will look great on any Android smartphone.
  • Overall (4/5) –  A solid offering for those interested in astronomy, Fireballs in the Sky is a great app for those looking to catalog recent sightings and get involved with the community.


  • There’s something magical about being able to point your phone up to the sky and see a star map.
  • Enthusiasts can finally report their sightings easily and share it with the community – both at the same time.
  • Fireballs in the Sky is a smooth app that runs well, without many hiccups and it’s a fast app for sure.
  • Announcements, News and Recent Sightings are all places enthusiasts will love to take a look at while on the go.


  • While the app tries to aim itself at everyone, enthusiasts are definitely the main audience here.
  • Some might find it a little difficult to report a sighting.

Conclusion: Fireballs in the Sky is clearly an app aimed at enthusiasts but, new users might be able to find their way around the app to report their own sightings. The news feed that allows members of the community to take a look at announcements and recent sightings is a nice touch and we’re pretty sure that a lot of people have been waiting for an app as simple as this. What Fireballs in the Sky accomplishes is hardly simple itself but, the app is incredibly easy to use and it’s simple to find your way around it. Overall, this is one of the better apps out there for those interested in what lies above us.