Featured: Top 10 Custom ROMs for the Google Nexus 7 2013

The ASUS Google Nexus 7 2013 is my favorite tablet of the year. And there are plenty of custom ROMs available for it already. Although it has been available since late July of this year. However most of these custom ROMs on this list are all KitKat ROMs, which means they are less than a month old.

10. DarkKat Beta

Here’s a basically full AOSP KitKat ROM for the Nexus 10 2013, aka Flo. There are some additional features like an advanced reboot menu, customizable battery status ring, options to load theme defaults, options to reset to darkkat defaults, or system defaults and much more.

XDA Thread

9. Team Asylum CM10.2

Now here’s a Jelly Bean, Android 4.3 ROM here for those not ready to jump on those beta KitKat ROMs out there. This one comes from Team Asylumand it’s based off of CyanogenMod 10.2. Some of the features include that the ROM is super small, about 144MB. As well as CyanogenMod account, light browser and nova launcher pre-installed, excellent battery life, ad blocking hosts and much more.

XDA Thread

8. Pure

This one’s based off of CM 11, which is KitKat. There’s not much new about this one, or special. It’s just a pure custom ROM for the nexus 7 2013. Oh and it does support ART (Android RunTime) which is probably a big deal to many people.

XDA Thread

7. CleanROM LE 2.1

Here’s CleanROM LE 2.1 for the Nexus 7 2013. This one is based off of KRT16S, so it is KitKat, and features some cool stuff, but it’s mostly just AOSP. There’s an advanced reboot menu, it’s Deodexed (which the developer says do not try ART), as well as some performance and battery optimizations.

XDA Thread

6. Team Noctournal Presents SinLess ROM v2.1

Many of you are probably well aware of Team Noctournal. Well they’re back with another ROM. This time it’s fort eh Nexus 7 2013. It’s also based on Android 4.4, and it’s the SinLess ROM. It features the stock kernel, all system apps zipaligned, debloted, fast and clean, exchange security disabled and more.

XDA Thread

5. Kangakat for the Nexus 7

Here’s a pretty fast and stable ROM for your Nexus 7 that is KitKat. This one is based off of KRT16S and is also featuring the stock kernel, busybox, init.d, zipalign support and so much more. It’s simply a small, clean and fast KitKat ROM for your Nexus 7. What else could you ask for?

XDA Thread

4. Infamous Open Kang Project

This one is with Android 4.4 and has a few extra apps, but not that heavy on features. Which isn’t always a bad thing. Some of the apps it includes is the Infamous tools, Apex and Nova launchers, ES File Manager, Root Browser, Titanium Backup and so much more.

XDA Thread

3. Unofficial OmniROM

Here’s another unofficial Android 4.4 ROM that’s based on OmniROM. As expected it’s still early and unofficial. So there’s not much here besides the AOSP features right now. As time goes on I’d expect to see more of the OmniROM features.

XDA Thread

2. Unofficial CM 11

Here’s another unofficial ROM. This one’s an unofficial CyanogenMod 11 ROM. Also, as expected since it’s an early build and also an unofficial build, there’s not much here for working features. Since it is on KitKat. So basically just expect the stock KitKat features from AOSP. Don’t forget to flash the Gapps as well.

XDA Thread

1. Unofficial AOSPA ROM

For those that don’t know, Paranoid Android also goes by AOSPA. And this one is an unofficial port of AOSPA 4.0, which isn’t quite available yet. It is available, but there’s not much in terms of working Paranoid Android features. This one is modded a bit from the original Paranoid Android though. You can check out their thread for more information.

XDA Thread