Samsung has been on a rather unstoppable rise to success lately in the mobile tech world. Its Galaxy lineup of phones and tablets are doing extremely well out there, and it has seemed like Samsung will only continue to dominate the market in terms of Android device sales. Even still, it seems as though Samsung itself isn’t too confident about its overwhelming success in 2014, and Sammobile recently reported that their expected smartphone sales for 2014 have dropped to 330 million devices from its original number of smartphones of 360 million. That’s still quite a bit higher from the 290 million sales target Samsung had decided to set for themselves this past year in 2013, but if the report is accurate, it would seem the Korean manufacturer isn’t only focusing in the smartphone realm anymore. The difference of 30 million smartphones is rather drastic, and show’s the company is either concerned about something, or knows something that we don’t – or both.
Why is this? We speculate it has something to do with the company beginning to focus on devices other than smartphones in the coming year. We know that Samsung is definitely planning on increasing tablet sales come 2014, saying that they plan on selling 100 million, including tablets with 12.2-inch and larger screens and even those with AMOLED displays. The Korean company was originally targeting shipments of 42 million tablets in 2014, but according to the latest report out of the Korean media, Samsung has now more than doubled that target to a whopping 100 million units.
Another reason that Samsung might have decided on this was simply because Smartphones could very well be reaching a point where demand for them is shrinking because so many people have them. With the exception of emerging markets, you can expect to find smartphones on just about anyone now a-days. Those emerging markets have been the target of Motorola’s latest phone, the Moto G, and it’s quite possible that Samsung will be going after them as well to gain a monopoly over that portion of the market as well.
This is all speculation however, and we can only wait and see what Samsung has in store for us come 2014. What do you all think about this? Let us know in the comments!