Samsung's Santa Commercial 2013, Less Disturbing Than Last Years?

Hey do you remember last Christmas, when Samsung released a Santa oriented commercial? Samsung made the, for lack of a better term, sexual relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Claus, way more apparent than we would like. Well this years Samsung Santa commercial is definitely less disturbing.

Last years commercial focused on the use of NFC in the Samsung Galaxy S III. Just for kicks, lets remind you what happened in that video. Picture Santa, getting ready for take off on his sleigh, carrying the dreams of all the little boys and girls of the world. As the children sleep, Santa gets his own present from Mrs.Claus. She sends via NFC, a video to Santa with the cautionary words, “but you probably shouldn’t watch it on the sleigh.” After a wink and a smile, Santa takes off to deliver presents to the world.

That was even disturbing to write, the idea of an old man taking a break from bringing joy to children everywhere, to watch a seemingly naughty video of the Mrs., well lets think about where he would stop to take that break. It was suggested to not watch it on the sleigh, so he would have to do it…ok lets just stop there. Enough of the past, we should move onto the future.

This year Samsung took a safer approach, to advertise the Samsung Galaxy Gear, which definitely needs another commercial.   They even made the new commercial more trendy with the use of the popular song, that the world has definitely not had enough of, “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen. The commercial is set up in what looks like a Samsung Launch event, except instead of coders and developers in the audience, it’s elves. Santa seems to be the star of the conference taking pictures of the audience and everything with his Galaxy Gear. Only to be interrupted by a call from Mrs.Claus. Instead of getting too deep into the ideas of the commercial and what is to happen next, why don’t you just check it out down below. Let us know which commercial you liked better.
