Agent Now Automates Your Android Device for Free

Automation apps, whether they’re aimed at extending battery life or keeping your phone quiet during sleepy time, can have an immense amount of usefulness. A fair number of Android users seem to understand this, but usually the problem is that you need separate apps for different automation capabilities. Egomotion Corp. looked to solve that problem a few months back with the launch of an app called Agent, which professes to be five automation apps in one. Needless to say, the idea was pretty cool at the time, but today it’s getting even more awesome, as Egomotion has decided to offer Agent for free through the Google Play Store.

Of the five “agents,” the Battery Agent will probably be the one that most people are after. With it, you can implement a number of power-saving options at any battery percentage you choose. The measures Battery Agent takes to conserve juice include turning off Bluetooth, dimming the screen, and pausing autosync, which prevents apps from updating in the background. Next up is Drive Agent, which is triggered by Bluetooth and is capable of silencing your phone, reading your SMS messages to you, or even auto-responding to those who try to get in touch with you while you’re on the road.


While there’s a lot of utility in both the Battery Agent and the Drive Agent, we can certainly see many people getting excited about Sleep Agent. This feature allows you to set your sleep times, which will then silence your incoming calls and text messages from everyone aside from the people you add to an exception list. Users can also set this feature to trigger after a period of inactivity, which seems perfect for those spontaneous naps so many of us often fall victim to. Rounding out the group we’ve got Meeting Agent and Parking Agent. Meeting Agent can sync with your calendar and will silence your phone during your busy times so you won’t be disturbed, while Parking Agent can use either activity detection or Bluetooth to figure out when you’re driving and pinpoint your parking spot on an in-app map.

That’s a lot of functionality for the low cost of absolutely nothing, so we wouldn’t be surprised to see an uptick in Agent’s download numbers from here on out. For the first two months of availability, Agent carried an actual price tag, which is usually a touchy situation for companies who find themselves having to deal with disgruntled customers who shelled out cash in the early days of the app. Egomotion promises that premium features are coming soon for the customers who paid money, but if you’re not interested in those, you can email the company to get a refund. If this sounds like it might be up your alley, visit Agent’s Google Play page and give the app a try.