Android 4.3 Jelly Bean Update Rolling Out To At&t Variant Of The S4 Active Today

If you’re an At&t subscriber and you own and use a Galaxy S4 Active, you might be happy to know that At&t has started to push out the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update to those devices today. It’s not Kit Kat, we know, but some update love is better than none and At&t perhaps just wants to set up its users for when the 4.4 update comes. There were some changes from 4.2 to 4.3 but as of now there has been no changelog listings for this particular update for the S4 Active.

You can expect obviously some bug fixes as this is a the usual standard fare when it comes to just about any update for any device, but other than that we’ll have to wait till the changelog is officially listed. As stated by android central, the update isn’t technically official yet and just started pushing out to devices, so all of that unknown information might end up coming to light in the next few days.

The 4.3 update had already previously started rolling out to the original At&t GS4 back in November of last year, and the Kit Kat update had just leaked for the GT-I9505 version of the S4 a few days ago. So with the original version of the S4 having already recieved the 4.3 update towards the end of last year, and then leaked Kit Kat updates just a few days prior to today, if the same time frame can be expected for the “Active” we might see kit kat hit the S4 Active from At&t in the next couple months. This is just speculation but it would be nice if it were the case.

Still there is no confirmation on any sort of “official” release dates for Android 4.4 on the S4 Active or the S4 officially for that matter. Although the expected date for the S4 is supposed to be sometime this month. Have any of you out there gotten the OTA to your S4 Actives yet? If so let us know what you think in the comments.