Barnes & Noble's Nook Division Speculated to See Major Management Changes

The tablet business is a tricky one.  To get your name into the massive fray of tablets available out you’ve got to have something unique and buzz-worthy to get you started.  Even with that though there’s no guarantee of success, and we’ve seen many tablet makers enter the race only to drop out months later because they can’t get a foothold.  Barnes & Noble’s Nook Tablet family was unfortunately among the ones that couldn’t cut it with the average consumer for whatever reason, and it’s rather a shame since that was one of the best low-prices tablets you could buy.  We were particularly sad to see it go because it seemed a good competitor against Amazon’s Kindle Fire family of tablets, and was our preferred choice if no other reason than because it had Google Play Store compatibility.  Now we’re learning that the entire Nook division may be in jeopardy over the alleged leavings of a number of high-ranking staff.

Firstly the CTO of Nook Media, Ravi Gopalakrishnan, is allegedly now the former CTO, having left his position recently.  What’s more is that a former engineer that left Nook Media at the end of 2013 is saying Avi Golan, the head of Nook Press, was ousted some time back.  Looking at Avi Golan’s LinkedIn profile, it’s showing he previously worked for Nook Media, which tends to confirm that rumor.  Ravi Gopalakrishnan on the other hand still has his CTO position listed on his LinkedIn profile, which suggests either this is just heresay or he is waiting to change his status until its officially announced by the company.  Either way things don’t seem to be looking so good for Barnes & Noble’s Nook division as a whole, especially since the tablet division was recently axed.  eReaders are still hot judging by Amazon’s Kindle consistently staying at the top of the best seller lists on Amazon all year long, but like tablets there seems to be only room for a few on the market that actually sell well.  Once we heard official word from Barnes & Noble we’ll let you know, but it seems like people are either jumping ship or being let go as part of some internal restructuring, and that could spell a number of different outcomes for the Nook division in the future.

Source: The Digital Reader , Via: Android Community