Ever since Google announced Glass, people have been waiting, wondering when the search giant would unveil a version of the device with prescription lenses support. While others have stepped in to provide such a thing, they’re finally on their way from Google. Obviously this has been something Google has worked pretty hard on, and it seems like the wait is finally over. In fact, along with these new prescription lenses and shades, Glass inches its way closer to becoming a consumer product. The official Google+ page for Glass announced the new additions last night, announcing different styles along with it. The whole theme here is not just about prescription lenses, but the ability to create your own pair of Glass at the same time.
There are four new frames that make up the “Titanium” collection, which are, as you guessed made out of titanium. The frames were designed in-house at Google, rather than working with a third-party and while they’re fairly neutral in their looks, they are quite pleasing. In the video from Google, we can see the new frames at work and they’re slightly stylish, The Verge has had some hands-on time with them and has said them to be thin and light. Personally, I think they look quite good and complement the somewhat chunky build (when compared to the frame of everyday glasses) of Glass itself. As with most Glass-related news, this only really applies to Explorers, whom can pick up the frames for $225 and simply attach them to their existing device. There’s no extra bit of technology required here, all you need is Glass and you’re good to go. In fact, those with an insurance plan from the likes of VSP might even be able to get them included in their coverage.
While the fact that those in need of prescription specs can finally get access to Glass is the big news here, the subtext is that Glass is moving ever closer to being that polished, consumer product we’ve been hearing about. Designs like these and short 30-second spots – like that below from Google – are the thing of consumer products and hopefully, all this means that Glass will be made available to folks later on this year. Hopefully without the $1,499 price tag.
Source: Google Glass, Via: The Verge