Google might have made waves at CES on the automotive front with the formation of the Open Automotive Alliance but, they’re looking to push the boundaries a little more when it comes to getting their own employees to work. It may not be as glamorous or sporty as the picture above, but rest assured, it’s coming. After introducing buses specifically for Google employees fairly recently, Google is going the extra-extra mile. CBS’s San Francisco affiliate reports that the technology company has contracted a private firm to transport employees from San Francisco to Redwood City. Employees have been able to seek passage on a catamaran that can hold up to 149 passengers, starting Monday. Google’s aforementioned bus program may have garnered some bad attention, but it’s the sort of thing that a company like Google would just do.
The Port of San Francisco says that, like short-term users, Google is paying the dock for each docking, but neither has specified the amount being paid. While paying for space at the pier seems normal, it’s dissimilar to Google’s tactics with the buses – it only recently entered into an eighteen month program with San Francisco where the company would pay a fee of $1 per day per stop.
Google’s boats will run two trips in the morning and two in the evening, ensuring that most of Google’s employees (that will be taking advantage of this) have ample time to get to work comfortably. A Google spokesperson offered some commentary about the buses and boats, saying “We certainly don’t want to cause any inconvenience to SF residents and we’re trying alternative ways to get Googlers to work.” Do any of you live in San Fran? Do Google’s arrangements get in the way? What about those of you that aren’t front and center? What do you think of this new plan? Let us know!