HTC M8 To Arrive With A 1080p Full HD Screen Rather Than QHD Resolution

Thanks to a tweet by @evleaks, we now know that HTC has released the User Agent Profile for the HTC M8, which gives us valuable insight into what HTC’s next major phone is going to have.  Based on this User Agent Profile, we can see that the M8 will not be sporting the newest rumored trend of 2014, QHD displays, which have a 1440 x 2560 resolution.  Instead, the M8 will be using a tried and true 1080 x 1920 resolution.  However, to the general population, the actual physical difference between a full HD display and a QHD display would appear to be very minimal.  That, plus the fact that full HD displays would not have to process as many pixels as QHD means that the former would be much easier on battery life and system performance, which is a trade that HTC thinks that people are willing to make.  The phone is expected to have a screen size larger than the HTC One.  Current projections put it somewhere in between 5 and 5.9 inches. User Agent Profile files are specifications that detail various aspects of the phone, including the model, screen resolution, and many other extremely technical bits of information.  These files are made by the phone manufacturer themselves, and typically are a promise that the phone is confirmed.

The phone is expected to stick to its roots, having a very similar design and visual appeal when compared to its predecessor, the HTC One.  Under the hood is where things start to get interesting.  It is projected that the phone will have either the newest version of Qualcomm Snapdragon system chips, either the newer version of the Snapdragon 800, or that Snapdragon 805.  For all you photographers out there, the phone is projected to have a twin-sensor rear camera that would be exclusively to improving the focusing abilities, depth of field, and the overall image quality.  If this is true, then it could show a new direction for mobile photography.  Thankfully, the phone is projected to launch very soon, within the next month or two, so hopefully all of these rumors will be replaced with facts very soon.  What do you think?  Is this phone going to shake up the game at all?  Is the screen going to be good enough, or should HTC have gone all out with this new device?  Let us know in the comments!

Source:  HTC |Image Credit:  +Nikolai Prettner