Kickstarter Sees New Touchscreen Tap Tool Campaign For Use With Smart Devices


Kickstarter is wildly popular these days, with many different campaigns spanning the website ranging from Video Games to new devices, and even smartphone accessories. The newest little accessory to hit the website is a tiny little tool for your smartphone that lets you tap the touch screen of your smartphone or tablet, and help your preserve the joints inside your fingertips. Appropriately named the “Tap Tool”, it seems like such a simple invention it’s a wonder no one has thought of it up until now. The idea behind the Tap Tool is that it acts almost like a stylus that you wear on the tip of your finger instead of carrying around an actual stylus. It’s being promoted as having productivity and health benefits for people that are heavy users of their touch screen devices. Over extended periods of use, such a tool could help you prevent long term damage or stress to the joints inside your fingertips, which is something everyone should want to do.

We know it seems somewhat silly to wear such a thing on the tip of your finger, but use of the tool is to help your joints. Even if you have no major issues like nerve damage or issues with joints such as arthritis, you can still cause discomfort to yourself from constant use of your touchscreen devices. The tool is aimed at helping you avoid these situations later on, so even though it looks a little weird it’ll be more beneficial in the long run and help you relieve joint stress.There are more than just the health benefits though, as wearing something like the Tap Tool could help increase the productivity for people who either have long nails or bigger fingers. The device is said to trick the touchscreen into registering contact on the screen in a 3 to 4mm area, which gives the user better type accuracy and speed. So if you’re someone who has larger hands and fingers and you type relatively slow, this could be just the thing you need to use your touch screen more efficiently.

The Tap Tool certainly takes the idea of wearable technology in a whole different direction, and with plenty of time left to go on the kickstarter campaign we just might see these things hit the market in the future. There are 33 days left to go for the Tap Tool to reach its funding goal of $10,000, and the campaign has already reached an amount of $2,846. The best part is these things will be fairly inexpensive, compared to some stylus pens you see out on the market that might give a slightly less accurate functionality to the user. You can pick up two Tap Tools for only pledging $10, although if you want the nifty little cases that come along with them for safe storage, you’ll have to pledge at least $17 which also nets you 5 Tap Tools instead of 2. Would anyone consider using these things if they were on the market? If you wish to join the list of already existing backers for this campaign, head on over the kickstarter page to make a pledge.

Source & Image Credit: Kickstarter

Via: AndroidAuthority