At Least One Sprint Moto X Appears to have Android 4.4.2 Now

We had already seen last week, that a couple Verizon Moto X’s have Android 4.4.2 now. And now we’re seeing at least one Moto X on Sprint with the update. Now many of you that don’t own the Moto X may be wondering why we are so excited to get Android 4.4.2 when we already have Android 4.4. Well with the KitKat update there are some bugs, mostly to do with the Android OS eating up a ton of our battery. Which Motorola has applied some of those fixes in their app updates, but the rest will be fixed in Android 4.4.2. Which is why we are all desperately waiting on it to come.

You may remember that Motorola was the first to push out KitKat to a non-Nexus device (in fact it started rolling out before Google got to the Nexus 4). And not they are looking to push out 4.4.2 before many other manufacturers do. Sure Samsung and HTC have already started, but they haven’t pushed out the updates here in the US. Which is probably largely because of the carriers.

The build on this Sprint phone is 161.44.22 which is newer than the 143.44.8 on the 4.4 update for the Sprint Moto X. While the Verizon build was 161.55.25. Additionally, there also appears to be updates to the Camera, Motorola Migrate and Assist. All of these are available in the Play Store anyways, so that’s not a huge deal. But it’s going to be interesting to see what else is new with this update.

We don’t have any official word from Motorola yet, as to when it’ll be officially rolling out. But hopefully we’ll learn more soon. As I’m very anxious to get Android 4.4.2 on my Moto X. While the battery life is still pretty good, Android OS is killing my battery pretty much every day. How many of you are excited for Android 4.4.2 on the Moto X?

Via: Droid Life
Source: XDA, Motorola Forums