Legere Now Supportive of a Sprint Merger?

Well this is interesting, and probably not something the rest of us T-Mobile subscribers were looking for. But it appears that T-Mobile CEO, John Leger has changed his tune about merging with Sprint. In the past, even as recent as his CES press conference, he and his staff have been bashing Sprint as well as Verizon and AT&T. Many T-Mobile subscribers aren’t sharing Legere’s new opinion on this situation here. As many of us feel that all of their Uncarrier moves would go away with a Sprint merger. As well as undoing everything John Legere and his team has done in the past year. An analyst from Medley Global Advisors stated that regulators may be looking to block this potential T-Mobile and Sprint merger, to ensure that T-Mobile’s affordable prices are maintained. Right now Sprint’s pricing really doesn’t compare with T-Mobile and I’m afraid their prices would go up if the two were to merge.

Legere recently spoke with Bloomberg West, and he sounded more open to the idea of a merger between these two, he even stated that it would be a good thing. Which many of us have disagreed because it means one less competitor out there, and many of us have a sour taste from Sprint’s past. “If the government wants us to have a competitive environment, you are going to make sure that the duopoly doesn’t use their prowess to crush the little guys and have this sub-1GHz spectrum be moved all to them,” Stated John Legere.

He also stated “We’re all going to need better scale and capability. The question starts to be: How do you take the maverick and supercharge it? We either need more spectrum and capability, a lot more investment, or we need consolidation.”

Right now, on average, T-Mobile has the lowest price per customer, with AT&T second lowest, Sprint third and Verizon fourth. I’ve said in the past that I really don’t want to see these two merge. But I will say this, I’ll be open to it if John Legere is made CEO of the newly merged company. What do the rest of you think?

Via: BGR; Source: Bloomberg West, Fierce Wireless