The Newest In Tegra Tech From NVIDIA Could Be At CES This Year

If there’s one thing that tends to get everyone excited about the new year, (No I’m talking about resolutions) it’s CES or otherwise known as the Consumer Electronics Show. Hordes of tech companies make it every year to show off, unveil, demo, and display new products for the upcoming year and there are usually some pretty impressive things to see. Although it’s not always this way, this year will be a pretty exciting year for gamers it seems, as NVIDIA is planning to show off some of their newer tech in the gaming department, for upcoming devices. Among the stuff they plan to unveil could be the newest technology in their Tegra lineup, as well as improvements and advancements for their Gamestream Technology that is usable from the NVIDIA Shield device they put out earlier this year.

So far there isn’t any real details regarding what NVIDIA plans to announce because they actually plan to do all the unveiling at a special invite only press event that takes place this Sunday, January 5th. It’s a pretty safe bet that we’ll hear some stuff about what’s next for Tegra and the Gamestream, but for a special event there will more than likely be more stuff than just those two things. What else could NVIDIA possibly be holding this special event for? New gaming innovations no doubt, we just don’t know what yet. Rest assured though once we know all the details we’ll be posting everything here. Sunday is only a couple short days away, so keep your browsers pointed to Android Headlines for more information on what NVIDIA has coming.

As for their current gaming offerings, the SHIELD gaming handheld that runs Android and the Gamestream service that pairs with it definitely need some improvements. Once these two things get the much needed attention they deserve, we have no doubt that they’ll appeal to a wider group of people. Unfortunately for NVIDIA, as they both stand right now, the SHIELD and the Gamestream service really only target extremely hardcore gamers that can afford the best of the best in tech. The Shield itself is not exactly priced at a competitive amount, and to use the game stream service you need at least a GeForce GTX 650 GPU or higher which sits at around $100 at the lowest. When you factor in the costs of the PC as a whole(that is if you don’t already have one and just need to update your GPU) it can be pretty expensive just to use the game streaming feature. Not only that, but there is no support for Notebooks currently so even if you have a monster GPU in your gaming laptop, you can’t use Gamestream. Perhaps at the upcoming event they’ll announce some changes to these services and products. What do you think about NVIDIA and what they have been doing with gaming lately? Let us know in the comments.