NVIDIA Looking to Push Android onto Cars, and Consoles Starting with the Tegra K1

NVIDIA’s press event is going on right now, and they’ve already announced the Tegra K1, but in the process of announcing it, they also stated that they are looking to push Android to the auto industry and to consoles. NVIDIA Showed off their roadmap, which shows the Tegra 2 as the first dual-core chip, Tegra 3 as the first quad-core, then the Tegra 4 doubled the performance, and now the Tegra K1 is sporting 192 cores, and NVIDIA is looking to push that into consoles and Cars. With the Tegra 4, they already began pushing it into consoles, which is why they made the Shield. Even though it didn’t sell too well. Right now NVIDIA’s CEO Jen-Hsun Huang is on stage and saying that these areas are a natural progression after TVs.

Now putting Android on consoles make sense, and in fact NVIDIA wasn’t the first to do this. Anyone remember the M.O.J.O. or the OUYA? Well the OUYA runs off of the Tegra 3, and obviously the Tegra 4 would help it out quite a bit. But as far as putting Android in and on your car, that’s a bit different. However as Huang says, it is your most expensive, most intricate, and most important mobile computer you’ll have one day. Obviously, Android is a perfect fit for that. Since you can have the same data and applications on your mobile device that you do in your own vehicle. At this point, there’s no word on when this tech will be available, but I’d expect it to be available sometime this year.

NVIDIA still isn’t done with their press conference so we may see some other goodies come out tonight. Maybe a Shield 2? Probably not, but I wouldn’t rule it out at this point. How many of you are interested to see how NVIDIA gets Android in your car? Let us know in the comments below.