The Most Realistic Looking HTC One M8 Concept Render Ever!

It’s no secret that the HTC M8 is going to be announced very soon. Probably in the next month or two. While we haven’t seen a ton of rumors about it, well compared to something Samsung would be announcing. We have heard quite a bit about the HTC M8. We’ve heard that it’ll feature a 5-inch display, on screen buttons, launching with Android 4.4 KitKat and a better UltraPixel camera. Now by “better” I’m hoping they mean an 8-MP UltraPixel camera, because the 4MP UltraPixel didn’t do so well. While I didn’t have any issues with it, a lot of people couldn’t see past it only having 4 megapixels inside.

Over on Google+ +Nikolai Prettner, has put together a really nice looking concept of the HTC One M8. It actually looks pretty realistic, given the rumors we’ve heard about the device. It’s got the translucent navigation and status bars which is part of KitKat, which we did hear the device would launch with. We’ve also heard that Sense is going to get even more minimalistic. The wallpaper looks really good too!

Now we don’t really know what the name of the HTC One’s successor will be, we’ve heard the HTC One Two, the HTC Two, the HTC One (2014), etc., which is why we are mostly sticking with the codename, which is the M8. Hopefully we’ll learn what the name of the device is really soon. I’d expect HTC to announce it before Mobile World Congress, which is about a month away. Which is when they announced it last year. To try and beat Samsung to announcing the Galaxy S4. So we may be seeing invites from HTC for an event pretty soon. So we’ll keep our eyes out for that one.

How many of you would throw money at HTC, if this turned out to be the HTC One M8? Be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments down below.

Via: Concept Phones
Source and Image Credit: +Nikolai Prettner