Samsung Looking to Create Large Business Tablet Segment and Multiple Galaxy Tab Variants for 2014

Back in November, Samsung made it quite clear that they wanted to be the number one tablet maker in the world – and when Samsung speaks, the industry listens. Because of their size and resources, Samsung can accomplish most things it sets its mind to doing. When most people in the U.S. think of tablets, “iPad” is the first thing that comes to mind – much like Kleenex or Xerox, rather than tissue or copier – and that is something that Samsung would like to change, and the sooner the better. On a the worldwide stage, Samsung is number one, but they intend on making sure that they grab that title in the U.S. as well, by offering a wide variety of sizes and models, in other words, a tablet for everybody. They are already making strides – just this past 2Q 2013 year, Samsung enjoyed a 277-percent growth over 2Q 2012, and their tablet sales continue to grow.

To make sure that they maintain that growth, Executive Director Hyunjoon Kim of Samsung Electronics, announced at Samsung’s conference call today, that they would be going into two areas. They will first “create a new tablet category” that will target businesses with a high-end, “high-resolution,” large screen tablet around 20-inches. This is a very logical path to take, as we become more of a “mobile” society, the option of taking the device with you rather than be tied to a desk, is a way that doctors, engineers, architects, etc. could be more productive. Developing high-resolution screens in a large format is another way the Samsung could produce tablets where there is currently very little competition.

Kim also said that Samsung will take their Galaxy Tab series and produce many variants by modifying them. We saw the beginning of that at this month’s CES, where they revealed their Galaxy Tab Pro series, but apparently that is just the beginning. Just a few days ago Samsung officially announced their Galaxy Tab Lite 7-inch tablet as well. We can only guess what Samsung has up their 2014 sleeves, but it should be a very interesting year if you are into Samsung.

Please let us know on our Google+ Page if Samsung is your favorite tablet – why or why not. Do you think Samsung is making a wise decision to move forward in the Business segment?

Source: zdnetkorea
Via: gforgames