Speed Software Fixes KitKat Bugs In Both Its Popular File Explorer Apps


At some point or another, most Android users will end up having to download a ‘File Explorer’ App, that can help to manage and organize all the files that we keep on our devices. With as much stuff as our smartphones and tablets do these days, being reluctant to do so can often lead to minor inconveniences and possibly even the lack of ability to do certain things. This can be all too true for Root users especially as many Root functions will require you to have some sort of File Explorer app to manage downloaded files, like .zip files for a custom ROM for instance. Two of the most popular File Explorer apps out for Android are undoubtedly ‘Explorer’ and ‘Root Explorer’ from Speed Software, and from having personally used these I can tell you that they’re absolutely excellent. In contrast to every other File Manager out there, only one comes to mind that even comes close (although this is my sole opinion) and that is ES File Explorer. With KitKat still a fresh OS version developers have been working hard to get leaked versions of the update out to the community, which is all well and good, until the update is completed and users started noticing issues with using either Explorer or Root Explorer. Now this is at no fault to the developers who had put out these ROMs, it boils down to a simple bug issue that resided in KatKat itself.

Thankfully, as reported by Android Authority, Speed Software was quick to react with these issues and has updated both apps, to fix the bugs that were present in KitKat, as well as a couple other pesky bugs and add in a couple things to round out the update. As far as the new additions go, Speed Software has added in compatibility for xxxhpi and xxxhpi icons. When it comes to the bugs, there were a couple that users had noticed. First is the bug that was plaguing the Storage system, or rather the use of a 64GB exFAT SD card. Previously the apps wouldn’t recognize if you had slid one of these cards into the microSD slot. That bug is now gone. You also shouldn’t have any more problems with the “Box” app (Box is similar to Dropbox, as it offers a cloud based storage option for all your files) when it asks for authentication, and you’ll also receive a notification if you incorrectly entered the chosen SD card file path, prompting you to insert the backslash. Previously, forgetting to do so would sometimes hinder the ability to copy files over to your SD. That bug is also now gone.

Lastly, the bug that was plaguing KitKat users is also now fixed, so if you use a device running KitKat and this is your File Manager of choice, you should no longer experience problems with searching for files inside the app. Although you may not use these files managers, lots of people do and the bug fixes are greatly appreciated. It’s good to see the dedication from a dev team to fix minor problems with their apps. If you don’t use either of these File Explorer offerings from Speed Software, which chosen File Manager finds its home on your device? If you need or are thinking about switching File Explorer Apps, you can grab Root Explorer and Explorer here.

Source: Android Authority