Thursday Poll: What Flagship Are You Most Looking Forward to in 2014?

So 2014 is officially under way. And we’ve already seen quite a few rumors about upcoming flagships from the likes of Samsung, HTC, and LG. We know that Samsung is going to announce the Galaxy S5 this quarter, and LG should be announcing the new LG G Pro as well as HTC’s successor to the One. Which makes the beginning of the year pretty exciting. But that’s not all. There’s also the Sony Xperia Z2 coming at Mobile world Congress, most likely, as well as flagships from other OEMs out there like Motorola, Huawei, and ZTE. Then in the second half of the year we’ve got the Galaxy Note 4 coming and the LG G3.

The beauty of Android here is that we aren’t stuck with just one phone (Apple) or one OEM (Microsoft) for new phones. Some of us may love Samsung, some may love HTC, some may love LG or Motorola. But the beauty is that we have choice. I know we have some readers who will only buy Samsung, or only buy Nexus, or only buy HTC devices. As for me, I normally stick to stock Android devices like the the Moto X and the Nexus 4. But that doesn’t mean I’m not looking forward to seeing what Samsung and HTC have in store for us. As much as I’m not a huge fan of Samsung, I am actually excited to see what they have planned for the Galaxy S5. Since it appears they are finally updating the look of Touchwiz, and there’s rumors of a new hardware design as well. Then there’s HTC, whom I’ve always loved their hardware build, but it doesn’t seem like many others do.

So with that said, we want to know what flagships, or OEMs are you most looking forward to seeing this year? Are you eagerly awaiting the “Next Big Thing” from Samsung? Do you live in your own world but play in Sony’s? Perhaps you’re the HTC loyalist that would do anything to see them live on. Or maybe, just maybe, you’re a purist, and won’t buy anything that doesn’t come straight from Google. Perhaps one of the Chinese OEMs like Xiaomi or Meizu? Be sure to vote in the poll, and/or comment below.