Unlock Your Doors With Your Android Handset Thanks To Okidokeys

We really are becoming more and more attached to our mobile devices these days. As proof, a new company with quite possibly one of the catchiest names for a product is offering you a more efficient way to unlock your doors. Okidokeys is a new product coming this Spring that will allow you to open your doors remotely via your Android or iOS handset, whenever you get in range of the lock. The new locks come from parent company OpenWays Group, who, as reported by engadget already seem to make similar products for hotels. If hotels, who are big on customer service can entrust the security of their guests to a smartphone based lock system then it’s not too much of a stretch to see products like this become ready for personal home use.

The Okidokeys will use the same 256-bit AES encryption security that OpenWays Group uses for the technology in the hotels, so despite the products otherwise silly name, the makers of Okidokeys are taking home security very seriously. The locks are controlled by your handset via Bluetooth, so range wise you should expect to be able to use these within about 30 feet or so of your door, although that is just speculation based off of the range of other Bluetooth product connections. The products are expected to ship sometime this Spring, but you can pre-order these locks starting this month for around the starting price of $179.

You won’t get just one option with these locks either, as it seems that Okidokeys will come with a fairly decent spread of choices including locks that you can open up with RFID cards, and even bracelets as depicted in the image. The product also has an online webpage where you sign up for and manage your account for the Okidokeys, which will give you privileges like deciding who has access to unlock the door and for how long. You can also set the locks to be accessible only between certain time windows. So if you don’t get home from work until 6, but you know your kids get out of school at 3, you can set the lock to be accessible to them between say 3:30 and 4. It seems like the options for management will be pretty varied, allowing you complete control. As the person who manages the Okidokeys account, you’ll also have the option to unlock the door remotely from a distance, because we know remembering the keys is an easy thing to let slip your mind. Lets us know what you think about Okidokeys and whether you’ll be interested in such a product. Tell us what think in the comments.